Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Great book-cover designs which sell more

“Books are those friends which stay with us for life.”And book covers are the faces of those books. An audience judges books by its cover, whether you agree with it or not.

 “Aspiring authors, get this through your head. Cover art serves one purpose, and one purpose only, to get potential customers interested long enough to pick up the book to read the back cover blurb. In the internet age that means the thumb nail image needs to be interesting enough to click on. That’s what covers are for.”- Larry Correia

You->Authors can gain significant popularity and rise in sales if you work a weeny bit extra on book-covers. An attractive cover will move your book up the charts.

 A great book cover by White Magic Studios

 However, if you insist-let’s dig into book cover illustrations that sell more.

  • A Title &the sub-title that stands out& immediately recognizableis most important. Titles give clues as to the content of the book.
  • Eye-catching photo and topics-

    - Cover with Romance picture.

    - Thriller.

    - Beach settings.

    - Architectural pictures.

    - Cooking pictures.

    - Erotic romance.

    - Fashionable dresses of bygone eras.

    - Interesting topography.

In short any design that engages the reader’scuriosity.                             

 High quality vector images.

  • Appropriate font to be visible well in both thumbnail and full-size cover.
  • Suitable colour palettes can be a book cover’s biggest asset or biggest downfall.
  • Get rid of clutter. Book covers, whether online or paperback ones must impress the readers with neatness.
  • Don’t overlook the spine and the back cover.
  • Visual Hierarchy means the most important information about a book should be highlighted the most.
  • Think in terms of thumbnail: Since most books are read online, book covers shrink to thumbnail size. You’ll have to take care what looks good in that.

An author’s job is to write the contents of his book. Thus let the book cover designing be done by the professionals, such as White Magic Studios who’re supposed to do it. Pay un-deviated attention to writing your book, whereas allow the book design agencies to layout the book cover.

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